Error in Analysis

Hello All
Well I am new to galaxy and even the first day user.
I am stuck in an analysis for quite long time and unable to move forward.
I am trying to use picrust to predict the functional profile of my samples. However i am not able to do so. I tried it off line but the commands also gave unexpected error, I tried to reach the forum but may be due to their busy schedule I hardly got response. Anyways I have uploaded a biom table and I am trying to run normalize_by_copy_number but I fail as I am not able to move it from the history panel.
Please help me out here


welcome to Galaxy!

To help you we would need some hints about the error you are seeing. Galaxy should provide you with some error messages. Could you paste those error messages here?

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Thank You
Please have a look at my biom table generated from Qiime 2. Is it in a correct format or else I need to change the format… the file is not uploaded due to wrong extension. Can I post it on your personal email.