Error when annotating DEX-Seq output with deg_annotate

Hi there. When I tried to use deg_annotate to annotate the DEX-Seq output table, I get this error message:

DE(X)Seq output file : /projects/b1042/Anoveros_Lab/RNA-Seq_aligned/IHC_OHC/ DEXSeq_output/IHC_OHC_differential_exons.tsv
Input file type : dexseq
Annotation file : /projects/b1042/Anoveros_Lab/gencode_mouse_genome/DEX Seq/mm10.DEXSeq.annotation.gff
Feature type : exon
ID attribute : gene_id
Transcript attribute : transcript_id
Attributes to include : gene_biotype, gene_name
Annotated output file : /projects/b1042/Anoveros_Lab/RNA-Seq_aligned/IHC_OHC/ DEXSeq_output/IHC_OHC_differential_exons_annotated.tsv
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/czf316/deg_annotate/”, line 178, in
File “/home/czf316/deg_annotate/”, line 125, in main
fh_input_bed.write(’\t’.join([f[11], f[12], f[13], f[0], “0”, f[15]]) + “\n” )
IndexError: list index out of range

Do you by any chance know what went wrong?

Thank you.