galaxy gunicorn can't connect to socket file

Hello @jennaj ,

Thank you for the instructions. If I had the help of a unix sysadmin, I would certainly ask them to look into ansible.

We finally got galaxy to run with a working file upload on our system:

  • tusd settings for external tusd server: we could not figure it out, due to the “Mixed Content” error that masked tusd configuration issues (see below). We are now using the tusd that comes already shipped with galaxy. I was very confused by the fact that the tusd config has to be disabled in galaxy.yml in order for tusd to work by default ?!

  • Scaling and Load Balancing — Galaxy Project 22.05.1 documentation : on our system, the group has to be set to www-data and not galaxy, even though the galaxy user is in the galaxy group.

  • the NGINX config statement in the docs: “proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;” causes uploads to fail on Chrome and Firefox with error: “Mixed Content: The page was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint”. Replacing $scheme with https fixed this.

I searched the project tickets in GitHub and since nobody reported the same issues, I assume the problems are due to our setup, where an external load balancer translates http requests to https -an institutional constraint over which we have no control.

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