Local Galaxy: Basic Question -- Installing more tools

I have installed a local galaxy on my mac, but when I look for replace text in the tools, I don’t have it and only a limited subset of text tools. Here are my local Text tools and the usegalaxy.org version:

I am not sure what I am doing wrong, any help would be appreciated – thanks!

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Hello @jbracer

Galaxy comes with some pre-installed tools. Others will need to be installed.

You must configure yourself as an administrator of your server to install tools. If you have not done that yet, this prior Q&A describes how: Example step-by-step for a basic local Galaxy install with an admin account created

More resources:

How that helps you to get oriented!

Hi @jennaj

I really appreciate you commenting! I have already installed admin privileges. Was confused a bit, but I found the tool with the usegalaxy.org tool and looking for the tool shed link. Thanks for the help for me getting my local galaxy up and running!

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