plasmid profiler error

Hi,I installed the workflow but encoutered the errors as follows:The server could not complete the request. Please contact the Galaxy Team if this error persists.

“new_history_name”: null,
“history_id”: “1cd8e2f6b131e891”,
“resource_params”: {},
“replacement_params”: {
“plot_title”: "APEC "
“parameters”: {
“0”: {
“input”: {
“values”: [
“hid”: 108,
“id”: “f2db41e1fa331b3e”,
“name”: “APECpairedfastqs”,
“src”: “hdca”,
“batch”: false
“1”: {
“input”: {
“values”: [
“id”: “7ca8f1b7f24e5a2d”,
“src”: “hda”,
“hid”: 109,
“name”: “pp_plasmid_database.fasta”,
“keep”: true,
“batch”: false
“2”: {
“input”: {
“values”: [
“hid”: 110,
“id”: “f30a35c999095ed7”,
“keep”: false,
“name”: “plasmidfinder_plusAMR.fasta”,
“src”: “hda”,
“batch”: false
“3”: {
“single_or_paired|type”: “collection”
“4”: {
“num_lines”: “1”
“5”: {
“column”: “9”,
“style”: “num”,
“order”: “DESC”,
“header_lines”: “0”
“6”: {
“cond”: “c9>80”,
“header_lines”: “0”
“7”: {
“columnList”: “c1”,
“delimiter”: “Sp”
“8”: {
“exact”: “false”,
“inverse”: “false”,
“file_or_type|select”: “list”
“9”: {
“single_or_paired|type”: “collection”,
“mlst_or_genedb|job_type”: “custom_only”,
“mlst_or_genedb|gene_max_mismatch”: “250”,
“options|select”: “advanced”,
“options|min_coverage”: “0”,
“options|max_divergence”: “0”,
“options|min_depth”: “5”,
“options|min_edge_depth”: “2”,
“options|prob_err”: “0.01”,
“options|stop_after”: “1000000”,
“options|mapq”: “1”,
“options|baseq”: “20”,
“options|minins”: “0”,
“options|maxins”: “1000”
“12”: {
“groupcol”: “3”,
“ignorecase”: “false”,
“ignorelines”: null,
“operations_0|optype”: “unique”,
“operations_0|opcol”: “3”,
“operations_0|opround”: “no”,
“operations_0|opdefault”: “”
“13”: {
“columnList”: “c1”,
“delimiter”: “T”
“14”: {
“exact”: “false”,
“inverse”: “false”,
“file_or_type|select”: “list”
“15”: {
“checks_0|pattern”: “^>\d+(.*?).*”,
“checks_0|replacement”: “>\1”
“16”: {
“dbtype”: “nucl”,
“title”: “Matched Plasmids”,
“parse_seqids”: “false”,
“hash_index”: “true”,
“mask_data_file”: null,
“tax|taxselect”: “”
“17”: {
“db_opts|db_opts_selector”: “histdb”,
“db_opts|database”: “”,
“db_opts|subject”: “”,
“blast_type”: “megablast”,
“evalue_cutoff”: “0.001”,
“output|out_format”: “ext”,
“adv_opts|adv_opts_selector”: “basic”
“18”: {
“sureness”: “0.75”,
“length”: 0,
“coverage”: 0,
“title”: "APEC ",
“anonymize”: “false”,
“combineincs”: “false”
“parameters_normalized”: true,
“batch”: true
anybody to fix this?

Hi @aslangabriel

First, try a rerun of what you were doing. Several of the public servers are undergoing updates. If you haven’t tried what you were doing again, please try that now.

If the problem continues, please provide more details:

  1. Where are you working? URL if a public server or describe if other.
  2. Did you get any error datasets? Do those errors describe what is going wrong (how to check error logs)?
  3. Are the inputs a match to what the workflow is expecting (how to check inputs)?
  4. Where did you source the workflow? If it was imported (installed?), did you open the workflow after importing and check for warnings? Try this if you haven’t already.
  5. If you can, please post share links: to the history with the inputs, to the imported workflow, and to the output history (if not the same as the input). That will provide context the community can help with.

Let’s start there :slight_smile: