Prokka error - 'path for cvmfs/signularity'

Input is a NCBI Fasta file. Executed successfully about a week ago on same input but getting this error yesterday and today. Any suggestions.

FATAL: could not open image /cvmfs/–pl5262hdfd78af_1: failed to retrieve path for /cvmfs/–pl5262hdfd78af_1: lstat /cvmfs/ no s

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Hi @TechBull2020

First, try a rerun to eliminate transient cluster errors.

If that fails again, would you please send in a bug report? This could be a technical problem. Please include a link to this post in the comments so we can link the two. Thanks!

How to: Troubleshooting errors

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Thanks. Rerunning today work. Guest it was just a transient error.

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