What you can do is make use of bash, zip (optional) and temporary folders and upload a zip file.
So you start your script like something like this:
bash '$__tool_directory__/yourbashwrapperscript.sh $input $output $param1 $param2
The bash wrapper (with zip) looks something like this:
outlocation=$(mktemp -d your_path/galaxy/database/XXXXXX)
mkdir $outlocation"/outputfolder"
mkdir $outlocation"/inputfolder"
unzip $1 -d $outlocation"/inputfolder"
mytool.py -input [inputfolder files] -param $3 -param2 $4 -outputfolder $outlocation"/outputfolder"
zip -r -j $outlocation"/output.zip" $outlocation"/outputfolder"
mv $outlocation"/output.zip" $2
rm -rf $outlocation
You can also just move all the output files to galaxy instead of zipping it. To do this you need more
commands and output locations in your xml. I have a tool where I can choose my output files with the help of a boolean parameter and a output filter. You can find it in the manual and if necessarily I can explain it but it is out of the scope of your question
You can not literally copy paste this code, it is just for inspiration.
Forgot the docker part. You can mount the tempfolder in your docker.