It’s been many years since I’ve dabbled with Galaxy, and I’m in awe of what you’ve accomplished!
I wondered if anyone has used Galaxy in the Humanities and/or Social Sciences. Dave Clements pointed me to CoSSci - Galaxy Community Hub, but the instance seems to be down.
I currently consult for a national platform in South Africa ( that supports local capacity development in digital/computational humanities and social sciences research ( Many of the challenges I see remind me of things that Galaxy tries to address for life sciences folk who don’t have strong command line/programming expertise.
I’m keen to hear if you have any pointers or if anyone wants to chat about this.
What exactly are you looking for? My previous employer (The Language Applications Grid) is working to bring their Galaxy instance back online with a number of NLP tools that I hope to get installed into the Galaxy toolshed. I would love to chat about your use case and I know the Lappsgrid folks would as well.
Language and language technology applications are precisely where we’d like to start.
Would it make sense to have a community meetup for people interested in this and/or working on it? Alternatively, I’d be happy to meet one-on-one with you @ksuderman and then with @bjoern.gruening’s historian when they are ready?
Happy to hear your thoughts. I’m at UTC+2 in South Africa. I guess community-wide participation may get complex if the time zones are too far apart.
Thanks for your speedy and positive responses. This is really exciting
I don’t know if there are enough people (yet) to make a community meetup feasible. Maybe you can message me here and we can arrange a meeting, or just email, to discuss what you want to do?
Hi @anelda and @ksuderman,
I am Daniela, the new Galaxy colleague with the history background Bjoern mentioned earlier.
We would like to schedule a meeting with all of those interested in using Galaxy from social sciences and humanities backgrounds or other adjacent fields and would be very happy if you could join us.
If you are still interested, please fill out this poll by June 30th:
Hallo Daniela! And welcome! Sounds like you have an exciting task ahead of you.
@ksuderman, sorry for not getting back to you earlier. I’ve been uncertain of my role on the project and was a bit in limbo regarding how to take it forward.
Hi Keith,
sorry to hear that. I unfortunately can’t make GCC, but I am glad to meet with you in a different setting, if that’s easier for you than the meeting times I suggested in the poll.
For most people, Monday, July 8th, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. is a good time.
Please save the date. I wanted to send you the Zoom Link, but did not have a PM function.
Could you please Email me via:
Then I can send you the info!