Time consuming for InterProScan output

Hi @dopamine

I can’t check your job at the EU server with that identifier (GDPR compliant) and the EU administrators likely wouldn’t be able to get anything meaningful out of the runtime logs yet. I’m also curious if the job is just queued or actually running, then how long it was queued versus executing.

Then for your question about the content submitted to the job:

We can review how the job is set up if you want to generate and post back a history share link. Please see the banner at this forum, or here directly. → How to get faster help with your question

You could also compare your usage to the tutorial guides. Sometimes running the tutorial data and workflow to create a sort of reference history can clarify usage, including expected data format/content and parameter choices.

Thanks and you can post those details back here. If the content checks out Ok we can follow up more with the EU administrators. Genome annotation is computationally intensive work, and can have long queue then execution times. The actual data and parameter choices are factors. Certain problems could extend the runtime before the job finally fails. We can’t tell which is going on yet. :hammer_and_wrench: