galaxy release_22.01 local installation


I am trying to install galaxy release_22.01 to our local server. The server runs with centos 7, python 3.8, and postgresql 14. The galaxy service can start with when the default configuration was used. However, I couldn’t get it switch to postgresql database. When the configuration was changed to (database_connection: postgresql://galaxy:password@, galaxy service ( didn’t switch to postgresql database but still kept using default sqlite database. In the command line, use “psql -U galaxy -d galaxy -h”, the database can be accessed successfully with password. Can anyone help with it?

Thank you!


Hi @wyan999, that is a bug that we have to fix. For now you can fix this by activating galaxy’s virtualenv (source .venv/bin/activate), and calling galaxyctl update --force. Your instance is still trying to start from galaxy.yml.sample. After that, restart your Galaxy instance and the changes should apply.

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Just to update this for others finding the issue, we’ve merged [22.01] Update supervisor config when starting galaxy via by mvdbeek · Pull Request #13674 · galaxyproject/galaxy · GitHub. If you update the Galaxy branch to the latest commit of release_22.01 (or newer a newer release in the future) you will not have to do this anymore, it’ll just work automatically.

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Thanks a lot for the instruction. Now, I am able to start galaxy service with postgresql.

Now, it seems that galaxy service still doesn’t take the changes applied in galaxy.yml. For example, I setup an admin account (admin_users: useraccount), changed require_login from false to true (require_login: true), and all_user_creation from true to false (allow_user_creation: false), but none of the changes applied after restarting galaxy service ( Any instructions?

Thank you!

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Meanwhile, under “Upload File”, there is no selection for “Choose FTP file” as in the older versions of galaxy. How can we get the function of upload file through ftp shown?

Are putting the admin users’ email address ? This is not supposed to be the user name.

yes, used email address.