Hi all,
We have a local Galaxy deployed in our servers and we are using Sun Grig Engine as the job runner. When running big files using BWA-MEM2 Galaxy workflow, we are getting the following error:
failed to create temporary file “/tmp/181.1.all.q/samtools.30529.6025.tmp.0029.bam” : No space left on device
Looking form more info, I have seen that /tmp file has only 10GB available and we want to move its location to a bigger disk. We have tried to declare the environment variable TMPDIR and to configure job_conf.xml as commented in this issue: Improved home and temp directory handling. by jmchilton · Pull Request #5193 · galaxyproject/galaxy · GitHub but this have not worked.
Are we missing something about this configuration?
How can we set the tmp directory location for running jobs?
Thanks in advance,