I’m trying to use an RNAseq analysis workflow on a collection constructed by NCBI fastq dump of paired-end reads.
My workflow involves Trim Galore!, FastQC, HISAT2 and featurecounts; all I believe set to the needed settings to deal with paired-end collections. However despite the workflow claiming to be invoked nothing happens. Similar workflows just for paired-end files will work however the workflow is not operating for collections. I can use the programs individually on the collection and they work but never together as a workflow.
I have attached links to the workflow and an example collection for which it isn’t working for:
Apologies for the delay in following this up, and thank you for your response. I’m having an issue with this still as when I create the Input Dataset Collection and set it to ‘list:paired’ Trim Galore! still won’t accept it as an input. It will accept ‘Paired’ input however this will do the same thing as above when invoking the workflow; it will say its been started but not actually do anything.
Yes, this can happen when new “inputs” are added to a workflow. We are working on a correction. This prior Q&A covers how to work around the problem – disconnect all “noodles”, then reconnect starting from the “input” dataset through the downstream tools.
Unfortunately it submits but does not do anything. I had tried to invoke the workflow a few hours before my response above and had not seen any changes occurring. Mysteriously my history appears to have 60GB of data which
doesn’t reflect what I actually have in it, however there’s no extra datasets hidden or not permanently deleted.
Ok, thanks for explaining. The Galaxy Main https://usegalaxy.org public server has been extremely busy today. There is a bit of a backlog in job processing that is being worked through.
I suspect that your workflow jobs are partially staged. I would recommend leaving everything “as-is” for at least the next 12 hours, ideally 24. Restarting/rerunning is unlikely to help and instead only cause more delays.
Note: This assumes the workflow was edited/fixed – the “mystery” history size implies that some part of the workflow has already started up, but that isn’t really confirmed yet.
If you want more review (now, or later after waiting a bit longer for the server to catch up), please send me a direct message with a share link to the history (or histories, if “send output to a new history” was used) and to the workflow, or you can post those links publically in this thread – your choice. It would be difficult to find the right data and troubleshoot, even if your account email here is the same as at the server. I don’t need your password and you should never share that with anyone, ever.
Hi Tim, I checked the history/workflow links from the original post and those appear to still be where you are currently testing. The results match the workflow and are dated from today.
Yes you are correct, next time I’ll be more careful about using that test history! However these jobs are the outputs of running each software individually, the workflow still does not appear to have been invoked. However I think the data may be more memory heavy than I suspected so I may try again but using less of the disc quota in case this is the issue.
I’ll send a direct message if this continues being an issue with more exact details.