Disk Space Issue - Deleted Datasets Still Consuming Space

I am experiencing an issue with my disk quota on the Galaxy platform. Despite permanently deleting datasets and using the “purge deleted datasets” option, the deleted files still appear in the trash and are consuming disk space.

Could you please help me fully remove these datasets to free up space?
Here are my details:

  • History Name/ID: Wild type and Knockout Tet2

Thank you for your assistance. Please let me know if you need any additional information to resolve this issue.

Best regards,
Selin Batur

Welcome, @selin

I see your account and history at UseGalaxy.org, and it appears to be correct. Maybe the server caught up? It takes up to a day to completely reset after purging.

And, don’t forget that you have access to another 1 TB of temporary working space at this server.

More details → What should I do if my data exceeds the given 250GB of storage?

Please let us know if you also see this resolved or have more questions! :slight_smile: