After updating my (Ubuntu 22.04) server, I suddenly get the following error when running the ansible-playbook galaxy.yml command:
TASK [galaxyproject.nginx : Set additional config options] ***********************************************************************************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => changed=false
checksum: 3cb6cfac4f721ecabef8f03be6774942e82eeb0f
msg: Destination directory /etc/nginx/conf.d does not exist
I never got this error before the update. After checking the /etc/nginx directory, I found out that the directory was completely gone. I ran the ansible-galaxy install requirements.yml command again just in case, but this ofcourse didn’t change anything. I am stuck not knowing where to go from here. Any help is appreciated!
Just curious and it may help others. Have you also tried to remove nginx ( apt-get purge nginx nginx-common nginx-full) and after that re-run ansible-galaxy install requirements.yml?
Yes, but that unfortunately didn’t change anything for me, the etc/nginx/ directory was still missing after running the command. The command that ultimately installed nginx again was the command I mentioned in the solution post.
Edit: A combination of both the commands might have been the actual solution, I will change the solution above. Thank you!