Hi everyone,
I intend to add rsids to my dantelabs vcf and later merge it with 1240k dataset via plink. I have done it before on my laptop with an older version of dbsnp file (138) , but snp overlap with 1240k dataset was not good. I wanted to try again with the latest dbsnp file (156) but as the uncompressed file is whopping 165gb in size so it is not possible to use my laptop. I am unfamiliar with usegalaxy but still tried to annotate my vcf with bcftools on usegalaxy the resultant file had no rsids.
Can someone please instruct me regarding this?
Also I am getting this error message-
“INFO/RS value encountered and set to missing at NC_000001.10:6319593”.
Snpsift appears to be tailor made for this but I get this error message with it-
“Exception in thread “main” java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at java.util.Arrays.copyOf(Arrays.java:3308)
at org.snpsift.annotate.VcfIndexDataChromo.grow(VcfIndexDataChromo.java:103)
at org.snpsift.annotate.VcfIndexDataChromo.add(VcfIndexDataChromo.java:46)
at org.snpsift.annotate.VcfIndex.add(VcfIndex.java:67)
at org.snpsift.annotate.VcfIndex.loadIntervals(VcfIndex.java:245)
at org.snpsift.annotate.VcfIndex.index(VcfIndex.java:183)
at org.snpsift.annotate.DbVcfSorted.open(DbVcfSorted.java:55)
at org.snpsift.annotate.AnnotateVcfDb.open(AnnotateVcfDb.java:395)
at org.snpsift.SnpSiftCmdAnnotate.annotateInit(SnpSiftCmdAnnotate.java:190)
at org.snpsift.SnpSiftCmdAnnotate.annotate(SnpSiftCmdAnnotate.java:70)
at org.snpsift.SnpSiftCmdAnnotate.run(SnpSiftCmdAnnotate.java:410)
at org.snpsift.SnpSiftCmdAnnotate.run(SnpSiftCmdAnnotate.java:397)
at org.snpsift.SnpSift.run(SnpSift.java:588)
at org.snpsift.SnpSift.main(SnpSift.java:76)”