I am wondering how to exactly set the usage of CPU and RAM for each tool with Slurm, since this is my first time using Slurm (or any workload manager/job scheduler for that matter). Can I just create new partitions and set these partitions for the destination id together with slurm as the runner? And what is the param id? I had the following settings in mind for Slurm, but am wondering if this would actually work or not. Also, I am using galaxy version 22.01, in case this might be important.
Any feedback/help is appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Parts of the files containing my settings:
- src: galaxyproject.repos
version: 0.0.2
- src: galaxyproject.slurm
version: 0.1.3
- galaxyproject.repos
- galaxyproject.slurm
# Slurm
slurm_roles: ['controller', 'exec']
- name: localhost
CPUs: 14 # Host has 16 cores total
RealMemory: 110000 # 110000MB, viewed with command 'free --mega' which shows 135049MB total free
ThreadsPerCore: 1
- name: main
Nodes: localhost
Default: YES
SlurmdParameters: config_overrides # Ignore errors if the host actually has cores != 2
SelectType: select/cons_res
SelectTypeParameters: CR_CPU_Memory # Allocate individual cores/memory instead of entire node
<plugins workers="4">
<plugin id="local_plugin" type="runner" load="galaxy.jobs.runners.local:LocalJobRunner"/>
<plugin id="slurm" type="runner" load="galaxy.jobs.runners.slurm:SlurmJobRunner"/>
<destinations default="slurm">
<destination id="local_destination" runner="local_plugin"/>
<destination id="partition_1" runner="slurm">
<param id="?">--nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=4000</param>
<param id="tmp_dir">True</param>
<destination id="partition_2" runner="slurm">
<param id="?">--nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=2 --mem=6000</param>
<param id="tmp_dir">True</param>
<destination id="partition_3" runner="slurm">
<param id="?">--nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=16000</param>
<param id="tmp_dir">True</param>
<tool id="tool_example_1" destination="partition_1"/>
<tool id="tool_example_2" destination="partition_2"/>
<tool id="tool_example_3" destination="partition_3"/>