How to store all files on external HDD

Hello - I have installed a local instance of Galaxy (v 22.05) on Linux (Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS).

I constantly run into a problem of disk space.

I would like for galaxy to be installed on the main HDD but direct all files (inputs, temp, outputs) to an external HDD.

I am a newbie so any specific instructions would greatly help !

Thank you

Hi @Mehul_Vora

You can decide where to store the database files on your server.

Start here to find the current tutorials and Admin docs → Private Galaxy Servers

Those instructions are for the current release, but you can trace back through versions at the primary documentation to figure this out. Production Environments — Galaxy Project 24.1.0.dev0 documentation → Distributing Data → Hands-on: Distributed Object Storage / Distributed Object Storage / Galaxy Server administration

Hope this helps! :hammer_and_wrench: