I want to make custom galaxy implementation for teaching undergraduated students

hello, my question is about what i’m saying in the title.
The idea is: Make a custom galaxy implementation to be used by teachers in classes (undergraduated bioinformatics students with no knowledge of programming and linux terminal). This will be used in conjunction with galaxy’s own training documentation by teachers because i want this to be a “bridge” between using bioinformatics tools and linux CLI for the students.

Is there any available resources about using Galaxy for teaching
(undergraduates)? i mean, already exists a platform or something? i just started today to explore this idea.

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Hi @cucharacha

Oh yes, we have so many resources!

Start here at the GTN training site

With all materials available here

You can choose to use the TIaaS resources at a public server, or customize and run your own dedicated local Docker Galaxy, or use a hybrid approach. The Interactive Environments included can be a gentle way to get students used to being on a command line, too.

Please give those resources a review and come back here with any questions. :scientist: