Remove installed databases

Hi @Shreyash_04

Yes, you can manipulate the content of those data tables directly to curate which are used. Maybe just comment out those extra indexes in the BAKTA loc file?

How to do that, from more specific to general →

  • The BAKTA Data Manager Data Manger includes exact details about which files specifically the tool is considering. If you comment out lines in the loc, and leave the indexes, Galaxy won’t see them, and you can access those later (or directly by file paths) if needed for other reasons.

  • The Galaxy Server administration topic for Data Management & Reference Data covers how this is configured and managed in current releases.

  • The Tool Data guides in our Galaxy Release documentation define the data table structures and how Galaxy consumes them.

  • And finally, we have some older administrative guides about “pre-Data Manager” and related custom strategies. These maybe helpful but definitely consider this supplemental! Data Integration at the Galaxy Community Hub - Galaxy Community Hub.

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