unable to login on galaxy/galaxian

i was redirected to this support page while tryin to log in into galaxy galaxian https://bioinf-galaxian.erasmusmc.nl/galaxy/

I have an accoutn for galaxy but i not recognozed on the galazxian


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Every Galaxy instance has independent user database. User account from usegalaxy.org will not work on https://bioinf-galaxian.erasmusmc.nl/galaxy/. You have to create instance specific account.

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Hi Matern,
I was actually redirected to this help page.

If you open the link, there is no way to register, only login, and none of my login details on usegalaxy.org or https://bioinf-galaxian.erasmusmc.nl/galaxy/ work

This is where I am trying to login : https://bioinf-galaxian.erasmusmc.nl/galaxy/ is very different from both links above…is this a new galaxy page?



That instance has closed registration, so I’d recommend contacting them directly through the link they provide: https://usegalaxy-eu.github.io/erasmusmc/people