Adding new proteomics tool on

Welcome, @sciordia

It looks like the licensing is fully open source, so that is the first box marked as a :white_check_mark:

Where to make the next request

  1. Open an issue at the target tool’s development repository and make the request as “Wrap for Galaxy”.


  1. Start the request at the IUC instead. GitHub - galaxyproject/tools-iuc: Tool Shed repositories maintained by the Intergalactic Utilities Commission


  1. The third option is to wrap the tool yourself and collaborate with the two groups above.

Most of the work done for Galaxy is provided by community contributors, and the attribution procedures are very good. This includes not just the technical/coding parts, but the wrapper design (which parameters, how to model them) and scientific review (potential new tutorials, help content on the form).

If you would like to start up the discussion with the IUC to see if anyone has explored this tool already or not, or if there are any current plans I didn’t find, you can reach them at their chat. Find the link at their repository above.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

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