I’m curious if anyone could help me to reformat a file that only has sequencing positions to a standard .vcf file. The file format I have is: #CHROM POS
I 1006
I 2527
I 5391
And I need to transform them into this format:
##samtoolsVersion=0.1.18 (r982:295) #CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO
chrI 1222 haw1 A C . . MPU=-21.9682
chrI 2651 haw2 T A . . MPU=-21.9337
chrI 3659 haw3 C T . . MPU=-21.9094
I appreciate any help and suggestion. Many thanks!
There are some tabular- and text-dealing tools at Galaxy.
Can you point out where did your first file come and what tool you are planning to use with the second one?
Thank you for the reply @David and @wm75. The first file comes from a customized SNP analysis package. The author used various variants calling tools on two files and only extract the position information. I guess the solution is to re-do the variants calling to get the complete vcf files, then cross-reference the list to those files.