i want to use kallisto. my fragments length are 80 and SD is 8.
but it came with the error containing this : This job was terminated because it used more memory than it was allocated.
Please click the bug icon to report this problem if you need help.
what should i do ?
Hi @amir!
This type of error can indicate that one of two distinct problems is going on:
- There is a problem with one or more of the input datasets. Check format, metadata assignments (datatype, database), and overall content.
- The job really is too large to run at the public server with the given inputs and tool options. Note: the memory used to process jobs is different than the available “memory” you may have still available in your account’s quota allocation.
FAQ with more details about how to check inputs and what your options are if the job really is too large to run at the public server (exceeds computational resources).
If you cannot figure out the problem, let us know and we can follow up from there. We’ll probably need to look at your history, so please do not delete the inputs, error jobs, and any tests you did yourself to verify that the inputs are correctly formatted/labeled.
yes i will be appreciated if tell me whats the problem.
but my email i used in galaxy is admin-redacted not the one im using here.
Ok, I’ll look and see if can find the history/error job. Am going to remove your email address from the public thread to keep it private. Next time you can send me a direct message here with private info
Ok, that was fast.
Using the complete hg38 reference genome will not work. You need to find or create a fasta file for a transcriptome to use for the input option “FASTA reference transcriptome”.