I was trying to assemble some ONT data with flye, and the job crashed with what looks like out of memory errors based on the logs. Can you set memory limits for jobs in Galaxy?
Im attaching the history here for reference: Galaxy
Hi @chrisbioinfo
The UseGalaxy.eu server has been able to allocate the most resources for Flye.
You data looks fine, it is just large, so I would suggesting trying there to see what happens.
Thank you for the suggestion, I made an account on usegalaxy eu. My job was able to process there for a few days before giving an out of memory error again (Galaxy).
I am fairly new to long read sequencing and metagenomics but I was under the impression that a dataset my size is not considered large for sequencer output. It was actually just a control sample we used containing only lambda DNA (genome size 48kb), and I wanted to use it to test out some tools and work on building some pipelines for metagenomic samples. Is there some step in my pipeline I should be doing besides quality/length filtering the reads to reduce the data size?
Thanks for your help!
Hi @chrisbioinfo
You could compare what you are doing now to the steps outlined here → Tutorials using bgruening/flye
That said, downsampling is the usual solution for getting an assembly job to run on the public resources when a job exceeds the resources. The EU resources are significant but a private server could scale larger.
If you are a US academic researcher, this is another option → AnVIL