Hello, I am running Galaxy on GVL through an AWS instance. In trying to download large fastq files I came across the error that Galaxy cannot upload files larger than 2 GB through the general upload. Since I have 12 paired end reads that are all around 6 gb, I thought it would be better to FTP the data to Galaxy. However, the option to choose FTP file does not appear on my Galaxy instance. Is there any special option I need to use while starting the instance in order to allow the ability to FTP? thanks,
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This is most probably outdated information, recent Galaxy web upload through modern browsers will now handle much larger files (hundreds of GBs for sure) and as long as you don’t close/reload the tab/window with Galaxy it will reconnect and continue even when your network has interruption.
You would have to set up an FTP server and configure Galaxy appropriately to use it.
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