Hi all.
Wondering if anyone has had issue with the Get Longest Read tool (from a .fast5 file). I’ve tried it several times and it seems to run to completion (turns green) but then no read is displayed. I can open the cousin .fastq files for these same .fast5 files and there are sequences associated with them, so I’m fairly certain it’s not a problem with the file itself. Any ideas? Or suggestions for a different tool one could use to achieve this same purpose with possibly the fastq file?
I just ran a quick test for the Get longest read from a set of FAST5 files tool at UseGalaxy.org, and it worked. Is this the server where you are working?
An alternative would be to extract all of the fastq files, then run a tool to generate the sequence lengths, and finish with a filter/sort for the largest. The first tool is in the Nanopore tool section, and others would be under Fastq/Fasta. Trying to do this would be another content check.
Let’s start there If you need more help, creating and posting back a share link to the working history would help. Please leave all inputs and outputs undeleted, including your tests. faqs/galaxy/#sharing-your-history