How heavy is Galaxy right after installation?

Hello everyone,
I’m new to galaxy. I just started a new virtual machine running Ubuntu 24.04.1 with VirtualBox 7.1.0. Thanks to this forum, I was able to install Galaxy without too many problems. But I end up with a 25 GB Virtual Disk Image. Galaxy just after my installation weighs 13GB on its own. Is this normal? Are there any temporary files to delete?
I have installed the latest version “release_24.1”.

Thank you :smile:

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Much of that ‘config’ directory space usage will be node_modules installed and used to build the various visualizations. There’s also another set in client. They can all be safely removed after successful client/plugin building and startup with something like:

find <galaxy_directory> -name "node_modules" -type d -prune -exec rm -rf '{}' +

And you’ll only need them back when you update (or if you want to manually edit the client or something).


Thank you for your reply @dannon ,
I applied the command and I did lose about 8GB on my Ubuntu session in my VM, but my Virtual Disk Image is still 25GB …
I’ll try to find a solution to clean that up!
Thanks again :+1:

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I have found a solution to clean the Virtual Disk Image with VirtualBox in Windows 11:

Go to the location where VirtualBox is installed on the machine :
cd "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox"

Run the command from this directory:
.\VBoxManage modifymedium --compact “C:\path\to\your\vdi\file.vdi”.

The image is now only 15GB!


Hi Damien,

While you are asking about the VitrualBox image, you can also use Docker as a VM, and a Docker image with Galaxy is around 1 GB.

There is a lot of extra stuff included with Ubuntu that is not needed to run Galaxy, which is why your VM is a lot bigger.

Databases will also use a lot of space, as you have probably discovered!

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