How to add custom tool made by planemo into existing Tool list?

I made my custom tool by using planemo.

I want to add the tool into my local galaxy, such as “Get Data”.

How can I do that? Do I need to modify “shed_tool_conf.xml”?

Hello, You can add your own tools in tool_conf.xml. You can find this file in the same folder (config) as the shed_tool_conf.xml file. You might find a “tool_conf.xml.sample” file. In that case do:

cp tool_conf.xml.sample tool_conf.xml

Adding your own tool can look like something below:

  <section id="customtools" name="Custom Tools">
  <tool file="/path/to/your/wrapper_tool1.xml" labels="new" />
  <tool file="/path/to/your/wrapper_tool2.xml" />

Depending on your galaxy version and settings you maybe need to restart after adding the tool. If you dont see your tool in the tool menu after restart there can be something wrong with your xml. Check the logs to see what could be wrong with it.

If you search for “tool_conf.xml” in this forum you can find more examples.

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Thank you so much. I could add my tool!!

2024年12月4日(水) 16:55 gbbio via Galaxy Community Help <>:

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