How to display MultiQC report in Workflow Invocation Report?


  1. There are two tools with a similar name in this suite. Are both installed and added to the Allowlist?
  2. Does the HTML render correctly in the History → eye-icon view?
  3. Does do both views render for this same data at a public usegalaxy.* server? Cross-checks help you to know if the problem is at your server (only) or a problem everywhere. A workflow can include just two things to test: one input + the single tool you want to test. Make sure the data is exact and the tool version is exact for a valid “local versus public” test. You can post back screenshots of both. Make sure the tool version and all views are included.
  4. If after that you think it is just your server, what version of Galaxy are you running?
  5. Creating a share link to the history + workflow report from the public server would help for detailed troubleshooting.