I have sample files from 23andme and Ancestry. I would like to convert those to VCF. I cannot get bcftools to work with this data. I do not understand the difference between the tabular variant input and the samples file input. As reference genome, I use hg19 (is this a problem?). I only have one single file, which is the one these websites provide.
Here are examples of the rows for each kind of file:
Ancestry file (human reference build 37.1)
rsid chromosome position allele1 allele2
rs3131972 1 752721 C G
rs114525117 1 759036 C G
rs4040617 1 779322 T A
rs141175086 1 780397 G C
rs115093905 1 787173 C C
rs11240777 1 798959 G G
23andme file: (human assembly build 37)
rsid chromosome position genotype
rs548049170 1 69869 AA
rs9283150 1 565508 AA
rs116587930 1 727841 GC
rs3131972 1 752721 CG
rs12184325 1 754105 GC
rs12567639 1 756268 TA
Thank you in advance for any guidance on using this tool on Galaxy.