Issue "No space left on device" error -- Resolved,


I am using the main galaxy server at

I have a collection of paired-end RNA-seq data with 30 pairs in it. With just this collection and a few other files, my storage usage sits at 5% (although, I suspect this may be incorrect given the size of the collection?). When I try to run cutadapt on this dataset, the storage usage begins to move up, far past what I would expect it to given that it can only be making the files smaller. After only a few pairs are completed, I start getting a “No space left on device” error. Even stranger, one pair will fail to run due to this error, but the next 10 will complete successfully. Then a couple more will fail due to the same error. When I let it run completely, it finishes at about 80% storage used. When run multiple times, different pairs fail each time.

I know something must be going on, but I cannot figure it out. Earlier today I had the entire collection run through cutadapt successfully, but I purged it because it wasn’t working with downstream software.

Finally, I wanted to mention that running the data as “multiple datasets” rather than “dataset collection” seems to function as intended. However, I lose the organization of the collection in this case, so I’d like to be able to run it as it stands now.

Any input is appreciated!

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Hello, @Murphytho Thanks for reporting the issue! :bug:

Please try a rerun now. The problem was due to a server-side issue at, now resolved.

For others reading and working at this same server, any job that failed with an error message like this over the last few days should be rerun.

OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device

Find the message at the end of the stderr on the Job Details report.
