Exception in thread “main” htsjdk.samtools.util.RuntimeIOException: java.io.IOException: No space left on device
at htsjdk.samtools.util.SortingCollection.spillToDisk(SortingCollection.java:245)
at htsjdk.samtools.util.SortingCollection.add(SortingCollection.java:165)
at htsjdk.samtools.SAMFileWriterImpl.addAlignment(SAMFileWriterImpl.java:182)
at pt2.se2pe.Pop2FileWriter.write(Pop2FileWriter.java:74)
at pt2.se2pe.Se2PeFramework.run(Se2PeFramework.java:95)
at pt2.se2pe.Se2PeParser.parseCommandLine(Se2PeParser.java:76)
at pt2.Main.main(Main.java:62)
when i used popoolationTE2 to merge bam file, i get this error.But i do not know the reason
Hi @jiahui_xie
This happened at the public Galaxy server UseGalaxy.org?
If so, this was probably a transient cluster problem (the disc was full when this job ran). Please try a rerun.
Should you get that error again, please send in a bug report from the red error datasets (all). It would be helpful to include the URL of this Q&A topic in the comments.
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