Output file problem

When I was running the workflow, I found that the output file I didn’t need finally appeared, and at the same time, my Output cleanup selected “Yes”.


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The help text for the “Output cleanup” option explains why: when your Trim Galore step finishes and the cleanup get performed, the output of the step itself is still required as input for the next step, so nothing will happen.

You’d have to perform the cleanup as a postprocessing action of that next step.

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You’d have to perform the cleanup as a postprocessing action of that next step.
Can you tell me in detail how to do it?

If the generated file is too large and my memory is full, the file generated by Trim Galore is just a process file.

It’s the same way you’re currently trying but with the next step in the chain instead.

Oh,I tried to select yes for all the following steps. Is that right? He won’t download the process file, is that what you mean?

Hi,I have selected “yes” for the Output cleanup of all the following steps, but I still output and fill my memory. What is the problem?

The workflow I use: https://usegalaxy.eu/u/ccc123/w/copy-of-metag-wrokflow. Can you help me see where the problem is?