The version of LEfse is outdated. Use the latest version available from the Main ToolShed instead of the version from the Test ToolShed.
Outputting tabular (text) data from spreadsheet programs can frequently introduce extra unintended characters and corrupt the format. These may not be obvious to find – for example, a soft return (^M) is invisible in plain text files.
If you are working at this Public Galaxy server, it contains much help for usage along with example inputs. Your format appears to be the data that didn’t pass original filters. Huttenhower Lab
You didn’t state where you are working, but if you are not the administrator, contact the admins of the Galaxy server where you are working and ask if they can update the tool or offer usage advice. Or, choose a different public Galaxy server to work at that hosts the tool (all of the usegalaxy.* servers host it as part of the Mothur tool suite): Galaxy Platform Directory: Servers, Clouds, and Deployable Resources