I try to run Prokka but I receive an error message:
Argument “Argument “1.7.8” isn’t numeric in numeric lt (<) at /usr/local/bin/prokka line 259.
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Djava.io.tmpdir=/corral4/main/jobs/043/189/43189962/_job_tmp -Xmx28g -Xms256m
[02:16:27] Please rename your contigs OR try '–centre X --complia” isn’t numeric in numeric lt (<) at /usr/local/bin/prokka line 259.
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Djava.io.tmpdir=/corral4/main/jobs/043/189/43189962/_job_tmp -Xmx28g -Xms256m
[02:16:27] Please rename your contigs OR try '–centre X --complia
Hi @Dr_Ahmed_Hammad,
could you share your Galaxy history with me? I’ll have a look at it. My email address is .