Trimmomatic Work Flow Issue

Hi All,
just new to galaxy and I am designing a workflow whenever I insert a Trimmomatic into the workflow I can not update the numbers of inputs as when I changed from single ends to paired ends(two separate inputs) nothing changes. Am I missing a step here?


Hi @Alex_A,
this works just fine for me. Which browser are you using?


thanks for the reply I am using Firefox

Kind regard,

Just tried it in Chrome same issue

Seems to work in Firefox and Chromium. You’re trying this on, and what you’re saying is that you can change the input option to paired-end in the tool configuration on the right side of the screen, but that this doesn’t have an effect on the main panel and the tool shown there?

Thanks for the help, I was using but I switched to and it works perfectly thanks for the help.

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That’s good to know, but it should work on .org as well. I’ll let the admins there know about the issue.
Thanks for reporting.

@mvdbeek is this
Does .org not have the commit yet?


It does not have the PR, I’ll update now.

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Alright it’s all up to date and @Alex_A example works fine.

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