Unable to Run Galaxy Reports Service on Port 9001 - Internal Server Error


I’m trying to start the Galaxy Reports service on port 9001, but I keep encountering an “Internal Server Error.” The service appears to start, but I cannot access the web interface. I’ve tried the steps below to resolve the issue, but I’m still unable to find a solution. Could you assist me based on your experience?

Steps Tried:

  • Attempted to start the Galaxy Reports service on port 9001, received “Internal Server Error.”
  • Set up an SSH tunnel redirecting 9003 → 9001.
  • Checked the database connection (connection successful).
  • Updated the host in reports.yml to
  • Reduced the number of workers from 2 to 1.
  • Converted template and static file paths to absolute paths.
  • Created the necessary directories:
    • /home/refgen/galaxy/database/objects
    • /home/refgen/galaxy/database/tmp
    • /home/refgen/galaxy/database/compiled_templates/reports
  • Tried starting the service using the run_reports.sh script.
  • Attempted to start it directly with Gunicorn.
  • Checked the log files (I can share them for additional context if needed).
  • Stopped and restarted the service.
  • Tested different ports (9001, 9002, 9003).
  • Tested different host addresses (,, localhost).

The service seems to be running, but when I try to access the web interface, I get an “Internal Server Error.” I couldn’t find any specific error messages in the logs (I can share them if necessary). What might I be missing? Are there any specific checkpoints you’d recommend in the config files, port settings, or elsewhere?

I’d greatly appreciate your help. Thank you!

Hi @Eray_Yilmaz

I’ve cross-posted your question over to the Admin chat for help. They may reply here or there, and feel free to join the chat! You're invited to talk on Matrix

And, below are our links to resources and tutorials as a reference.

Let’s start there, thanks! :slight_smile: