Error: Cannot open an HTTP server: socket.error reported errno.ENOTSUP (95)

To whom may concern,

I have installed galaxy in WSL as guided in the webpage. But after “sh”, there comes some error as below. Please help with this. Thank in advance.

Executing: galaxy
2022-05-01 18:54:24,597 CRIT Supervisor is running as root. Privileges were not dropped because no user is specified in the config file. If you intend to run as root, you can set user=root in the config file to avoid this message.
2022-05-01 18:54:24,598 WARN No file matches via include “/mnt/d/biosoft/galaxy2022/galaxy/database/gravity/supervisor/supervisord.conf.d/*.conf”
2022-05-01 18:54:24,598 INFO Included extra file “/mnt/d/biosoft/galaxy2022/galaxy/database/gravity/supervisor/supervisord.conf.d/default.d/galaxy_celery-beat_celery-beat.conf” during parsing
2022-05-01 18:54:24,598 INFO Included extra file “/mnt/d/biosoft/galaxy2022/galaxy/database/gravity/supervisor/supervisord.conf.d/default.d/galaxy_celery_celery.conf” during parsing
2022-05-01 18:54:24,598 INFO Included extra file “/mnt/d/biosoft/galaxy2022/galaxy/database/gravity/supervisor/supervisord.conf.d/default.d/galaxy_gunicorn_gunicorn.conf” during parsing
Error: Cannot open an HTTP server: socket.error reported errno.ENOTSUP (95)
For help, use /mnt/d/biosoft/galaxy2022/galaxy/.venv/bin/supervisord -h


I have quite the same error here :

Executing: galaxy
2023-06-19 09:13:06,832 WARN No file matches via include "/mnt/c/Users/JSA/Documents/LABERCA/galaxy/database/gravity/supervisor/supervisord.conf.d/*.conf"
2023-06-19 09:13:06,833 INFO Included extra file "/mnt/c/Users/JSA/Documents/LABERCA/galaxy/database/gravity/supervisor/supervisord.conf.d/_default_.d/galaxy_celery-beat_celery-beat.conf" during parsing
2023-06-19 09:13:06,833 INFO Included extra file "/mnt/c/Users/JSA/Documents/LABERCA/galaxy/database/gravity/supervisor/supervisord.conf.d/_default_.d/galaxy_celery_celery.conf" during parsing
2023-06-19 09:13:06,833 INFO Included extra file "/mnt/c/Users/JSA/Documents/LABERCA/galaxy/database/gravity/supervisor/supervisord.conf.d/_default_.d/galaxy_gunicorn_gunicorn.conf" during parsing
Error: Cannot open an HTTP server: socket.error reported errno.ENOTSUP (95)
For help, use /mnt/c/Users/JSA/Documents/LABERCA/galaxy/.venv/bin/supervisord -h
Error: Timed out waiting for supervisord to start

I’m on Windows using the Ubuntu 22 application to install it as describe in Running Galaxy on Windows - Galaxy Community Hub

Hi @jsaintvanne

Current tutorials are here (the one you are referencing is legacy):

Also, I think the path to Galaxy has to be less nested eg at a higher path level, or the paths can be “cut off”.

Hi @jennaj ,

Thanks for the answer ! Do I need to follow these tutorials even if it is just to install a local Galaxy on my own computer ?

I will also try to put Galaxy folder up in my folder but with Ubuntu application for Windows I have some folder to go in my home to write before… => that doesn’t work… :confused:

I also tried to change of branch to go on a released one but not changed also, same error !
Again, I also tried to delete what is create in database folder but it can’t always find any *.conf files in my database/gravity/supervisor/supervisor.d folder…

I looked for ansible and these trainings but it looks quite hard just to have a local Galaxy on my computer no ?

PS : it works well on my Ubuntu computer with git clone, then sh commands but I really need Windows…

Any case thanks for the help