ERROR during install : connection refused for /supervisor/ [Errno 111]


I am trying to install galaxy (git clone -b release_22.05 GitHub - galaxyproject/galaxy: Data intensive science for everyone.) on my local machine (Description: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS focal). After running the sh I got the following error : “error: <class ‘ConnectionRefusedError’>, [Errno 111] Connection refused: file: […]/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/supervisor/ line: 560
Please, any helps ?


Hi @sam64

I’ve cross-posted your question to the Admin group chat. They may reply here or there, and feel free to join the chat

Is there more above that error?

The script calls a command which starts and runs a supervisord process. This message indicates that supervisord is not running, but it’s not clear from that message alone why that would be the case.


Have quite the same error…
No answer gave ?

Requirement already satisfied: contourpy>=1.0.1 in ./.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from matplotlib==3.7.1->-r ./lib/galaxy/dependencies/dev-requirements.txt (line 66)) (1.1.0)
The Galaxy client build is up to date and will not be rebuilt at this time.
Activating virtualenv at .venv
Updating service gunicorn
Updating service celery
Updating service celery-beat
error: <class 'ConnectionRefusedError'>, [Errno 111] Connection refused: file: /home/jsaintvanne/LABERCA/galaxy/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/supervisor/ line: 557
Executing: galaxy 
error: <class 'ConnectionRefusedError'>, [Errno 111] Connection refused: file: /home/jsaintvanne/LABERCA/galaxy/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/supervisor/ line: 557