Uncaught exception in exposed API method

I am having trouble running the COVID-19: variation analysis on ARTIC PE. I tried different versions as well but get the following error "Workflow submission failed: Uncaught exception in exposed API method”. I thought it was my fastq files but then I also tried running the data from previous history that was successful but the same error came up. The same error occurs on both .eu and .org platforms.

Hi @Kathleen_Subramoney

Please make sure to source the most current versions of these workflows from here: GalaxyProject SARS-CoV-2 analysis effort - Galaxy Community Hub

If you need more help, the community is having trouble helping. Please provide a bit more context so others can try to reproduce and offer advice.

  1. Where the workflow was sourced
  2. The exact URL of that public workflow
  3. Share link to that workflow after imported at either usegalaxy.org or usegalaxy.eu
  4. Share link to a history where that workflow was executed and failed
  5. Share link to a history where that workflow was executed and was successful
  6. Screenshot of the expanded User -> Workflow Invocations report for each of those runs
