Uploading files taking >7 hrs... "This job is waiting to run" status doesn't change.

Yesterday I was trying to flow this hands on tutorial (Hands-on: Identification of the binding sites of the T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia protein 1 (TAL1) / Identification of the binding sites of the T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia protein 1 (TAL1) / Epigenetics) and the ChIP-seq raw data wouldn’t load, it kept saying “this job is waiting to run”. I check back in on this morning and it was still grey. I restarted my computer and chrome. I deleted the history and tried loading it again this morning and its been over 7 hrs and it still wont load. I tried loading raw RNA-seq data files directly from my laptop and 7 hrs later still grey. I was uploading files fine on Tuesday night and it was fast. I’m new to galaxy so not sure where to start on how to troubleshoot this issue, so if anyone has tips or insight on this issue, all info is welcomed and appreciated.

Hi @MissyMargs18
My upload jobs also have long wait time, but not hours. Sometimes Galaxy does not refresh the page. Click at Galaxy icon in the top left corner. This will update the content on your screen.

You can import training files from a data library available on the ORG server. On left panel click at libraries, and follow this path: Libraries>GTN - Material]>ChIP-Seq data analysis>Identification of the binding sites of the T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia protein 1 (TAL1) or try this link:

Kind regards,

Hi Igor,

Thank you for replying. I tried that all day yesterday and it didn’t work. I came back this morning and everything uploaded finally but now when I try to run FastQC with default setting on the samples I keep getting an error saying “Remote job server indicated a problem running or monitoring this job”.

Hi @MissyMargs18

This is occurring at UseGalaxy.org? Would you please send in a bug report from the failed job. You can put a link to this topic into the comments.

Meanwhile, also please try running the job again.

The server had some issues but those should be resolved now. Xref → RESOLVED. Notice at UseGalaxy.org Feb 27 2025: We are currently experiencing errors and delays

Thanks for reporting the problems! :slight_smile: