Additional options email notification

Good morning, I would like for all my tools, don’t see “Additional options” and inside “Email notification”. I don’t find the parameter to deactivate this part.
Can you help me please …

Welcome, @cantoine

If this is for your account at a Galaxy server, you can adjust your notifications under User → Preferences → Manage Notifications. FAQ: How to update account preferences?

If instead you are the administrator of a server, and want to adjust if the server supports notifications or not, make the change in your galaxy.yml configuration file here →

I had some trouble understanding which you were asking about, so please let us know and feel free to clarify a bit more. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Thank you but I think this isn’t my problem.
For all tools, I have a section at the end : “Additional options” - Email notification - a button Yes/No - Send an email notification when the job completes.
But I would like to not display this section (picture).

Hi @cantoine

As far as I know, if you leave the enable_notification_system setting as false, the Email notification section on tool forms should not be displayed on your server. I’m not sure if this requires a server restart but it might so I would try that first.

If something different is happening, can you share more details? Is the button just disabled? Or is an email trying to be sent but produces an error of some kind? Your configuration may matter so the version of Galaxy you are running would be helpful. The most current release is this one. → 24.1 Galaxy Release (June 2024) — Galaxy Project 24.1.0.dev0 documentation

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Hi @jennaj
When the enable_notification_system option is set to false or true, I don’t see any changes in the Additional options section. When I set the button to yes, I do receive an email.

From what I understand, the enable_notification_system setting seems to manage notifications through the Notification and broadcasts section in the Admin panel.

I’m using Galaxy version 24.1 :slight_smile:

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Hi @cantoine

Thank you for clarifying! I think you are correct and I had forgotten how this works. The user-account level notifications might be always “on” by default but we can double check and maybe make a request for a new enhancement for an administrative true/false toggle.

I’ve cross-posted this question over the the Admin chat for feedback. They will usually reply back here but feel free to join the chat, too, if you want. :slight_smile: :hammer_and_wrench: You're invited to talk on Matrix

Yes, the enable_notification_system does not control the emails sent when a tool run completes. This is an older feature that existed long before the relatively new Notification System.

The option to send an email after the job completion will be shown in the Tool Form when you have the smtp_server configured in your galaxy.yml configuration file.
Since you are an admin, the only way to hide it right now is to either not set the smtp_server in your galaxy.yml (notice this will affect other features that use email sending in Galaxy) or modify the client code here so the “v-if” condition is false:

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Hi @davelopez
Thank you for your answer