Anyone else having issues with Salmon Data Manager never installing?

Hi @Jack_Goodman

Reinstalling … hard to know if that will be enough.

The GetGalaxy guide is highly simplified … the tutorials are a much better resource. Private Galaxy Servers

Make sure that you are starting up Galaxy the very first time in a Conda venv, and not a Python venv. One of the symptoms of starting up in Python is tools not being found, or not installing. Using Conda instead solves that.

Then, if this happens again, checking the logs and processes running is where you can learn more about why that isn’t resolving. This is more help from our admin Nate:

The tool repo itself could install but then conda spins forever trying to install the dependencies for the tool. They should be able to tell by looking for conda create processes with ps (it can also be in the log, but that gets buried)

We can follow up more, so let us know what you decide to do and what happens! :slight_smile: :hammer_and_wrench: