Hi, I’m having an issue trying to run Tadpole to error correct or extend reads. When trying to error correct, I get an error every time. When looking at the error report it appears to be a memory issue. Is there a way to get around this???
Hi @Jon_Colman
If you see Our Of Memory issue, maybe consider reporting this error to the server admins using the following procedure: click at any output of the failed job, click at Error icon, the one looking like a ladybird beetle (bug), in the middle window provide a description (optional) and hit Report. The server admins will check the job setup and if required will increase memory allocation for the tool.
Before doing this, consider testing the tool on known datasets and check the job setup.
Kind regards,
Thats what I need!! I found when the dataset was smaller it would run. My problem currently I’m working on several sets with nearly 100M reads. There are some sort of sequencing error in the reads, but I found running through Tadpole error correction and extend reads it appears to correct them. I’ve been trying to map smaller subsets of specific species, but still problematic.
So when the error occurs, I submit the report asking for more memory?
Yes. You can write in the report that you see Out of Memory error message.
If you believe a job failed because of server related issues, error report is way to go. If data or job setup are prime suspects, try to figure out the issue, search this forum or post new topic. It is more productive to search the forum before posting a new issue.
Kind regards,