hello all.
I have a problem. I am trying to run stacks de novo without refrence genome for paired end reads. it run once, i tryied to download the results but one of the files kept saying corrupted. so I deleted the results and re-run again. and it was when i found issues. It runs the platform but i cannot see the results and everytime i try to refressh to see if the job is completed the following messagwe keeps poping up " Cannot connect to Galaxy. Galaxy is currently unreachable. Please try again in a few minutes. Please contact a Galaxy administrator if the problem persists."
i´ve deleted the entire history, uploaded again all data and the end result is the same.
I changed your history visualization to the beta version, which is useful with history with a lot of datasets like your.
The history panel is slightly different, but I hope you will be able to orientate.
At any time, you can revert the visualization to the previous, clicking on the double arrow icon top right.
Make a try and let me know if it’s helpful
its seems to be working. at least i can visualize the data. i´ll check it, re run and see what happens. thank you once again. easy fix but not for me for sure. just starting to use galaxy and rad-seq data.