DESeq2 log2 fold change


The log2 fold change is calculated as log2 (treat)/(control). In the factor level section, is ‘1: Factor level’ a denominator and ‘2: Factor level’ is a numerator?

Galaxy’s DESeq2 both states “Specify a factor level, typical values ​​could be ‘tumor’,‘normal’,‘treated’ or ‘control’”, which is a bit confusing.
If the order is changed, the opposite result will come out, so I think everyone should pay attention to this part.

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in Galaxy, factor level 1 is considered the treated condition (numerator), and factor level 2 is considered the control condition. Indeed it can be a bit confusing; thanks for your feedback, it will be reported in order to clarify it.


Thank you for answer.
I want to be of some help to the Galaxy.
Galaxy is a really nice platform!


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