i runned kind off 20 jobs that ended but i cant download the results as a file , anyone could know why so ?
Hello @lambard_alexandre
Please see this FAQ for how to download individual datasets and dataset collections: Downloading Data
Keep in mind that if you have set up your web browser to block automatic downloads or “cookies”, you may need to adjust or clear that setting. Some web browsers will note that a download was blocked with a warning and allow you to “click” on that warning to permit downloads from specific sites.
If that does not help, please explain the problem with more details. Screenshots can help.
2020-03-31 12:02:06,830 [main] [uk.ac.ebi.interpro.scan.jms.main.Run:417] FATAL - Exception thrown wh
thats what i have for example , i cant donwload it with the icon , when i tried to download the whol e history , i have empty file …
Thanks @lambard_alexandre
Let’s ask the administrators at the Galaxy EU server for more help. What is going wrong is not clear.
ping @wm75 @bjoern.gruening
@lambard_alexandre we need more information from you? Which history is that, are all datasets green? Can you view them when you click on the ?
its an history with kind off 15 fasta files of protein or nucleotides sequences of brown algaes genomes . i runned interproscan tool for all thoses genomes . i have all runs in green yes and i cant vie the data when i click on the eye icon
how can we see full logs ? it seems that my jobs failed but i don’t know why
i also have this log
Java not found. Please install Java 1.8 and place it on your path,
or edit the interproscan.sh script to refer to your Ja
I am also having this problem with InterProScan (toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/bgruening/interproscan5/interproscan/5.0.0).
Is there a configuration issue or other issue with this tool?
The following message appears (in the right-side panel that is green as if the job has finished successfully but there is no data) (similar to above query)
Java not found. Please install Java 1.8 and place it on your path,
or edit the interproscan.sh script to refer to your Ja
@lambard_alexandre & @paul_daly
As a guess, this looks like a configuration issue at the usegalaxy.eu server.
Ping @bjoern.gruening @wm75
@lambard_alexandre, Hi I am using cufflinks in galaxy Europe for RNA seq analysis but I couldn’t find any reference annotation guide " B73 RefGen_v4" of maize, I tried to get from the web but I couldn’t, the built-in reference genome is present in tophat but not in cufflinks. How can I get B73 RefGen_v4" reference genome assembly of maize into cufflinks for expression analysis?