Hi all,
I am very naive to bioinformatics. I am using this tutorial to map a genome, but when I use multiQC tool to analyze my BAM file (MarkDuplicate Metrics) I get an error. The error is:
Fatal error: Exit code 1 ()
Tool generated the following standard error:
Module 'picard: ‘picard.analysis.AlignmentSummaryMetrics’ not found in the file 'chlamyDNA_4_S7__001_fastq’
this looks like you have chosen a wrong file as your input. We have more detailed training material here, maybe that will help as well: Galaxy Training!
Hi Bjoern,
Thanks very much for your replay, but I am sure I am using the right file.I should use the file its name ends with metrics and there is only one file with that name.
In the tutorial, the tutor is mapping 4 genomes at the same time, but I am mapping only one genome. Could it cause a problem when I use MultiQC tool?
Sorry if it doesn’t make sense, I am very naive in bioinformatics.
HI @HamidGaikani,
mapping just one fastq file doesn’t explain your error. Please, could you share a screenshot of the files that you are working on in Galaxy?
In short, when inputs share the same “name” the tool cannot accurately define/label those inputs as distinct samples when creating the report. This creates a duplicated label conflict and fails the tool.
Since your data is in a collection, try the tool Collection Operations > **Relabel List Identifiers** from contents of a file to give the inputs unique names.
Or, perhaps @bjoern.gruening@gallardoalba have a better suggestion? This wasn’t an easy problem to address during the prior tool update.
@HamidGaikani Sent you a direct message with instructions. Please do not delete any of the work involved (inputs or outputs or prep/intermediate steps)