I have a paired collection of paired-end fastqsanger.gz files which I am trying to run through TrimGalore! using the default settings. However, after running for several hours, one of the jobs hits the following error: Fatal error: Exit code 141 ()
Multicore support not enabled. Proceeding with single-core trimming.
Path to Cutadapt set as: 'cutadapt' (default)
Cutadapt seems to be working fine (tested command 'cutadapt --version')
Cutadapt version: 2.3
single-core operation.
Output will be written into the directory: /corral4/main/jobs/040/441/40441407/working/
Attempting to auto-detect adapter type from the first 1 million sequences of the first file (>> input_1.fastq.gz <<)
Found perfect matches for the following adapter sequences:
Adapter type Count Sequence Sequences analysed Percentage
Illumina 8075 AGATCGGAAGAGC 1000000 0.81
Nextera 1493 CTGTCTCTTATA 1000000 0.15
smallRNA 11 TGGAATTCTCGG 1000000 0.00
Using Illumina adapter for trimming (count: 8075). Second best hit was Nextera (count: 1493)
Writing report to '/corral4/main/jobs/040/441/40441407/working/input_1.fastq.gz_trimming_report.txt'
Input filename: input_1.fastq.gz
Trimming mode: paired-end
Trim Galore version: 0.6.3
Cutadapt version: 2.3
Number of cores used for trimming: 1
Quality Phred score cutoff: 20
Quality encoding type selected: ASCII+33
Adapter sequence: 'AGATCGGAAGAGC' (Illumina TruSeq, Sanger iPCR; auto-detected)
Maximum trimming error rate: 0.1 (default)
Minimum required adapter overlap (stringency): 1 bp
Minimum required sequence length for both reads before a sequence pair gets removed: 20 bp
Output file(s) will be GZIP compressed
Cutadapt seems to be fairly up-to-date (version 2.3). Setting -j 1
Writing final adapter and quality trimmed output to input_1_trimmed.fq.gz
>>> Now performing quality (cutoff '-q 20') and adapter trimming in a single pass for the adapter sequence: 'AGATCGGAAGAGC' from file input_1.fastq.gz <<<
10000000 sequences processed
20000000 sequences processed
30000000 sequences processed
40000000 sequences processed
50000000 sequences processed
60000000 sequences processed
gzip: short write
It’s not obvious to me where the error is coming from. Any insight is appreciated.