Fastq file not uploading

Hi all,

Today (Nov 25, 2024), I cannot upload fastq files to eu server and it gets stuck at 0% uploading. However, I try with org server and my data can be successfully uploaded. Is it possible that eu server has any issue?

Thank you very much in advance

Ive been having the same problems with my fq.gz files. I thought it was something I was doing wrong but I’ve tried to upload some basic files and they get stuck stuck also at the same place as yours. I’m also using the eu server so maybe there is an issue…

Hi @CoffeeOum and @LouTee

Yes, it seems the server had some technical issues and slow data loading with the Upload tool was involved.

Please try again now and let us know how that works! :hammer_and_wrench:

Other recent QA data not uploading - #7 by Imran_Noorani


Thanks, seems to be working fine now :+1:

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Great, glad to learn it all working!

It works fine now !
Thank you very much for your help

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Oh good! I’m glad this is working for you too :rocket: